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Traction Inc.

31 Jul Common Questions About EOS

Posted at 9:00:00 AM by Chris Hallberg

EOS, or the Entrepreneurial Operating System®, is a system designed to help businesses streamline their operations toward the goals you want. EOS has several components, and some business owners who have no prior experience with it find it esoteric.


But once you start working with an EOS coach, you'll find the system simple, intuitive and easy to apply. Here are some answers to common questions about EOS, to give you more insight into the coaching process and what EOS can do for you.

What Is EOS?

The Entrepreneurial Operating System was designed by Gene Wickman, after over 10,000 coaching sessions he conducted with businesses around the world. It contains three components:

  • the EOS model:a six-component map of every business: its Vision, People, Data, Process, Traction and Issues.
  • the EOSprocess: a series of coaching sessions that examines and works with the business through the lens of the EOS model, with an eye toward improving the organization's functioning.
  • the EOStoolbox: a set of tools, created from the EOS model, that your business can use to continue to improve your business after the EOS process is over.

This article focuses on the EOS process, but please understand that both the EOS model and toolbox are key to successful EOS. You'll be introduced to all components of EOS during your business' EOS process.

How Easy Is It to Implement EOS?

EOS is a full system, so it can seem daunting at first -- especially if you approach it without guidance.

This is why having a mentor is so important while you work EOS, especially the EOS process. Your mentor will introduce you to the system, explain how its components relate to your business as it stands, and help you create a simple, step-by-step, attainable plan. With your mentor's guidance and feedback, and the help of your plan, you'll find EOS simple to understand and implement.

What Can EOS Help You Accomplish?

EOS is designed to bring laser focus to your organization. With your mentor's help, you examine your organization's goals, and your vision at various stages down the road. You refine its mission and marketing strategies, and review successes and challenges with an eye toward the future. EOS builds vision and refines your team, and increases both organizational consistency and accountability.

How Long Does EOS Usually Take?

EOS is designed to be a system you can apply to your business for its whole existence. But the EOS mentorship period usually lasts 24 months.

However, some businesses speed up this process, and fast-track EOS within a year. No two clients are the same, so it's important to work with your EOS mentor and listen to their guidance.

How Many EOS Sessions Do People Do Each Year?

Most businesses do five EOS sessions every 12 months. However, again, every business is different, so you may do more or less. Listen to your mentor's guidance, and know there's no right or wrong pace.

What Is the EOS Process?

The EOS Process begins with a 90-minute meeting. During that period, the mentor gets to know you and your business, and you get to know your mentor. Your mentor explains the tools and process to you.

After that, there's a day EOS mentors call the Focus Day. This day goes over obstacles that currently exist within your organization (what EOS refers to as "rocks"). You and your mentor rate your organization in terms of each EOS component, and evaluate factors like institutional accountability. Focus Day may sound a little rough -- after all, it's an honest assessment of where your organization can improve. But it's vital to building a plan for improvement.

From there, your mentor has a two-day vision building session with you. They go over your business' core values and focus, and refine these if need be. They work on your organization's ten-year target and its marketing strategy, and go over quarterly rocks and your issues list. Armed with this information, you work with your mentor to build your three-year picture -- a slightly smaller-scale vision -- and a one-year plan to get you on the right track. (Remember, your EOS mentorship typically lasts two years, so that's a plan that will unfold within your mentorship, with opportunities to assess and build.)

After that, you meet with your mentor quarterly, for Quarterly Pulsing sessions. You review your organization's focus and the health of your team, and examine each quarter's rocks. You work on solving issues, apply the EOS toolbox, and make sure your organization is maintaining accountability. All of these leads up to an Annual Planning session, where you review the past year's plan and devise a new plan for the coming year.

EOS is an exciting process that can revolutionize your business. But if you try to go it alone, your chances of success are greatly diminished.

To get the most out of EOS, you need a knowledgeable guide who will work with your business through the whole process. Traction, Inc. is ready to help you take your business to the next level with the EOS process. Contact Traction today to talk with Chris, and discover what EOS can do for you.

Get a Free Consultation

The Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) was created by Gino Wickman (Author of Traction-get a grip on your business) and is a registered trademark of EOS Worldwide. Chris Hallberg of Traction Inc. is a Certified EOS Implementer(tm) that helps business owners and their leadership teams get more of what they want from their business.  


Topics: small business coach, eos questions