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Traction Inc.

26 Jun What Can A Traction Consultant Do For Your Business

Posted at 5:20:10 PM by Chris Hallberg

Nearly every business owner reaches a point in time when they know they need help to sustain their growingTraction consultant businesses. It may be early in the life of the business or it may come at a time when growth stalls and innovative ideas no longer flow as easily as they did in the past.

Sometimes there is a need to hold leaders more accountable or they may need help creating a vision that truly fits what they are all about. Or, there may be conflicts developing among team members that management is not equipped to handle. Business coaching requires a disciplined approach that is not usually available from existing advisers like attorneys, CPA's or bankers.

Deciding to work with a traction consultant and following the EOS process can help nearly any kind of business provide meaningful results and deal with conflict resolution. 

The EOS process includes six primary components:

Vision – Your vision needs to inspire and lead your people

Data – Tracking and measuring progress must be data driven

Process – EOS provides a documented system everyone follows

Traction – The cornerstone of the EOS Process

Issues – Develop and maintain an issues list at all times

People – The right people in the right seats doing the right things

Equip you with the proper tools

Business coaching from a traction consultant includes tools designed to strengthen every aspect of your business. From vision development to team building and conflict resolution, the EOS process has techniques and processes specifically designed to meet the needs of your business. 

EOS Process Elements Defined

90 minute meeting – One of the most important elements of the EOS process is developed a specific meeting structure that everyone understands and you spent almost no time thinking about how the meeting will evolved. Everyone knows the format in advance and follows the guidelines described the EOS process, including consistency, attendance policies, focus days, vision building, quarterly pulsing , accountability sessions and communication guidelines.

Business coaching

Every traction consultant has experience and expertise in their field. They also receive initial and ongoing training to keep them current with new methods and techniques that will help you achieve the goals you set for your business.

At a minimum the business coaching provided by a traction consultant can will hold you accountable for the vision you’ve created. Creating a vision, plan and mission that simply collects dust is not worth the effort. A vision needs to be incorporated into the every-day life of the business. 

The EOS process is designed to make your vision come to life. 


Team training

Training available from a traction consultant will teach your employees to be better leaders and help you hold them more accountable for the business’s success. 


A traction consultant using the EOS process is the absolute best way to achieve your business goals using proven and time-tested methods and techniques that have worked for thousands of other businesses just like yours.

Business Coaching How to Grow a Successful Business

Topics: EOS, Business Coaching